Hogtown Brewers
Hogtown Brewers

Welcome to the Hogtown Brewers Homebrew Club

Winners of the 2016 AHA Radegast Homebrew Club of the Year!
Saturday, Feb 8, 1:00 PM
at The Gaberdiel Residence
hosted by Jeffrey & Julie
12820 sw 128th loop, Lake Butler

Pot luck supper will begin at that time,
followed by the general meeting.

Don't forget to bring your homebrew
creations to sample and share.
The Hogtown Brewers, established in 1985, is an American Homebrew Association sanctioned homebrew club. We are dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the art of brewing and also to the appreciation of the many and varied styles of beer from around the world. A secondary purpose (but one near and dear to our hearts) is to stimulate the economy by providing a healthy and growing market for the US hops crop (all right, we do our bit for the economy of Europe as well). Perhaps you got a clue about this sentiment, if you noticed the statement at the top of our home page - "Since 1985, more hops than our lawyers advise." You didn't think that was chosen at random did you?

We meet the second weekend of each month. Like most homebrewers, we're a fairly sociable group of folks. If you are a homebrewer (or think you'd like to be) we'd like to invite you to come to one of our meetings and see what we're all about. At a typical meeting we try to blow through the business section as quickly as possible, so we can get to the fun stuff, the crux of the matter, the purpose of the whole deal...BEER.

We hope we're not giving you the impression that we live for beer alone (although that might be true). We do try to promote responsible drinking habits. We are not Coneheads. Our purpose is not to consume mass quantities, but rather to learn as much as we can about this wonderful beverage. After all, as they say, "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

Hogtown Brewers News
Alachua brewers fundraise for Humane Society of North Central Florida
WCBJ TV20, Aug. 13, 2023 - "The money raised from the event will go towards the Humane Society of North Central Florida. The shelter is partnering with the club Hogtown Brewers."
Hogtown Brewers Announce "Hogtown Giving Tree" Project, Expanding Their Charitable Contributions in 2023
Gainesville, FL - July 10, 2023 - "Building on their longstanding tradition of giving back to the community through philanthropic and volunteer efforts, the Hogtown Brewers will be donating an additional $20,000 this year to support 20 local charities"
The Hogtown Brewers Earn the 2016
Radegast Club of the Year Award
The Radegast Club of the Year Award was established to honor a homebrew club not for its competitive prowess, but the effort its members make to use homebrewing as a tool to benefit their greater local community.
If you would like to learn more about us or would like to join us for our next meeting,
contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.