Welcome to the Hogtown Brewers Homebrew Club
Saturday, Feb 8, 1:00 PM
at The Gaberdiel Residence
hosted by Jeffrey & Julie
12820 sw 128th loop, Lake Butler
Pot luck supper will begin at that time,
followed by the general meeting.
Don't forget to bring your homebrew
creations to sample and share.
We meet the second weekend of each month. Like most homebrewers, we're a fairly sociable group of folks. If you are a homebrewer (or think you'd like to be) we'd like to invite you to come to one of our meetings and see what we're all about. At a typical meeting we try to blow through the business section as quickly as possible, so we can get to the fun stuff, the crux of the matter, the purpose of the whole deal...BEER.
We hope we're not giving you the impression that we live for beer alone (although that might be true). We do try to promote responsible drinking habits. We are not Coneheads. Our purpose is not to consume mass quantities, but rather to learn as much as we can about this wonderful beverage. After all, as they say, "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Radegast Club of the Year Award